Jin – Gojitsudan [English Translation]

Sometimes I want to translate non-Shugon songs too. And this song is beautiful, so why not?

Kanji lyrics from here! I may take some liberties for the lyrics to makes sense, but it’s definitely about the struggles of a creator (especially a writer), as the song were also used as a CM for a publisher’s advertisement (if I wasn’t wrong)



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What to Expect Coming on NIRVANA?

For those following my blog for a while should know that I am, even now, is still a huge fan who supports Jin (Shizen no Teki-P), despite how I’m not much into Kagerou Project anymore. To me, Jin’s songs and works resonate well with myself, and I’m very glad that Jin now has another series than KagePro itself; NIRVANA.

However, they just announced recently that the serialization on the Comic Gene ended with this month’s issue while addressing that it’s not the end; NIRVANA is still continued.

This post is meant to speculate what’s coming up on NIRVANA based on my own thoughts and wishes.

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